So obviously I have been slacking on my reviews, but do not fret, here they are. Most are from date nights but I did get to go see a movie with Tyce just Mommy and son, so I added that one too. Prepare yourself, this is a long(ish) post.
Date Night Movie Review ~ Now You See Me
I really liked this movie. I feel like if I say too much of anything about it that I will be giving something away. It is not so much about magic as it is about staying ahead of all of the twists and turns. I found it very interesting and overall a fun movie to go see.
Date Night Movie Review ~ Man of Steel (Superman)
Superman was super action-packed. So I have a little confession to make.......I really didn't want to see this movie. I'm not really sure why except that it seems like other Superman movies just have seemed so cheesy. But I have to say that this movie was exceptional and definitely came up to the bar that was set by The Avengers and the like.
This particular movie gave a lot of the back story and didn't even really refer to him as Superman, but there was also plenty of action to go around. It leaves the story wide open for a sequel and possibly for a Justice League franchise. I welcome this new Superman!
Mommy/Son Movie Night ~ Monsters University
We are always timid to bring the boys to a movie b/c we have had lots of bad experiences. Usually we venture out to the drive-in where we think we are not disturbing anyone, but most of the time the kids are so crazy that we miss half the movie. So we put a stop to the drive-ins and this was the first time we were brave enough to do the kid movie thing again. But we still only took Tyce. He asked alot of questions (he is in the "why" stage) but otherwise he was pretty good. I kept stuffing his face with popcorn which helped...hehe.
Oh yeah, you wanted a review. I thought it was super cute and just as good as the first one. It was a great story that could stand on its own. Very family friendly with the exception of a few scary parts (it is a monster movie after all). There were also a couple of adult inuendos that I am pretty sure no kid would understand.
Tyce loved it and said it was the "best movie ever". He calls it the monster movie. He also proceeded to tell me that "Girls don't like monsters except mommies so they can scare them" - not really sure what that meant but he is in a phase where girls can't do the things boys can do. When I remind him that Mommy is a girl he just changes to Mommy can do it but no other girls (he is not learning this from us so I am not sure where it is coming from).
Anyway, go see it!
Date Night Movie Review ~ The Internship
This movie was exactly what you should expect from a Vince Vaugn / Owen Wilson get together. It was their classic witty banter combined with a pretty predictable story line. I enjoyed it knowing exactly what I was getting into when we went. I wasn't expecting some epic story but I definitely laughed my butt off.
I was impressed by how cool Google though. Especially the Harry Potter quitich field they have pictured below!!

Date Night Movie Review ~ The Heat
I couldn't wait for this movie to come out. I have been seeing the previews for so long and I just knew it was going to hilarious. Believe me it did not disappoint!! They pretty much just let Melissa McCarthy improv anything she wanted I think. It was so funny to see her and Sandra Bullock together. And for once Bullock was not the star of the movie, they really let McCarthy shine in this one. Again the story was not impressive but the characters and witty lines were to die for. Loved it!
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