Monday, July 8, 2013

Life as a Working Mommy...

playing at the park with my boys - a fun weekend activity

I have been thinking about doing this post for a while now.  I think it is appropriate to put it in now since it is one of the main reasons I have been absent from blog-land lately.  (I know I promised you I was alive and ready for some blogging but summer might be a little sporadic)

I actually calculated that 53% of my waking hours during the 7 day week are spent working, driving to/from work, or getting ready for work (and anyone who knows me knows that I don't spend alot of time "getting ready" for work...hehe).  It comes out to 71% if you just count the 5 day work week.

Just a few days ago I actually used one of my vacation days to get stuff done around the house.  It doesn’t sound like too much fun but it made me feel a million times better.  Then I could just enjoy spending time with everyone in a (semi)clean house, it takes a load off.  For whatever reason, I need to be completely alone to do those things and focus.

Summer has been super busy with lots of fun things to with the family.  Obviously with the limited amount of time I have in a day I have been choosing to do those things instead of writing.  I may not be meeting my earlier goal of more “me” time, but I am having lots of fun.

I think there is enough mom guilt to go around.  Moms that work always wish they could spend more time with their kids and think they are missing out on so much.  We envy and respect moms who stay home.  But on the other hand, I believe that moms who stay home probably have guilt about finances even though they are doing the toughest job around.  Why as women and moms do we always feel so guilty no matter what?  In my particular situation I have no choice but to work and contribute financially to our family, and I do love my job and feel that I make a difference.  Some days I am not even sure that I would be cut out to be a stay at home mom….that job is hard!  I respect the women who are able to do it SO MUCH!  After a long weekend I am sometimes ready to pull my hair out with my 2 boys.  But I do miss them every day and wish I had more time and more freedom to do things with them.  A flexible work schedule would be amazing but my job has not caught up with the “family friendly” era of scheduling.  And since I used up so much time taking 2 maternity leaves (all which had to come from my own sick and vacation time) I don't have alot of time built up for fun stuff.  Alot of my days are used when the kids are sick and cannot go back to daycare until they are better.

I know my kids are being well cared for and I know that their teachers think of things to do with them and teach them that I would never think of.  For that I am very grateful.  My motto as a working mommy has been that if I put in quality to the time I spend with them then it can make up for the lack of quantity of time.  Here is to the moms out there both working away from home and working in the home!  I say good job to you!  And shame on you who judge a mom who chooses to do one or the other that you may not agree with.  Moms rock!

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