Monday, April 29, 2013

I Believe I Can Fly ~ Having Faith

My oldest son jumping off of everything - he is catching some major air :)

Have you ever just been living your life and something so simple teaches you something so deep?  No?  Just me?  Ok, well here is my story...

In our living room we have a sectional couch and a double cubby ottoman that sits right in front of the couch.  My youngest son (now 17 months) loves to climb on the ottoman and jump off of it (completely learned from my oldest son - pic above).  He is never trying to jump onto the couch, he just takes a leap and assumes I will catch him (or my husband).  He just giggles and giggles after you catch him.  He has no fear.  Over and over again he jumps and I catch him.  Eventually he will move further back to make a longer jump.  I don't really know what goes through his little baby brain but I assume he is not even thinking about falling he just trusts me and falls into my arms.  And really, I WON'T let him fall (even though there have been a few close calls when I had no idea he was leaping out for me).  I catch him because I love him and don't want to see him hurt.  He has complete faith in me as his mommy. 

As he was doing this the other day I couldn't help but think that this is what God does for us.  He catches us when we leap for Him and He won't let us fall.  I have come to understand my relationship with God more and more as I have become a parent b/c it really is a father/child relationship.  He loves me the way that I love my own children.  I need to have full trust in Him that he will catch me as long as I am seeking Him in the path that I am taking.  It may feel like an impossible jump for me, but I should approach it like my son jumping into my arms with no fear.

I do not consider myself to be well-versed in all things spiritual by any means, but little "lessons" like this bring me closer every day.  I know this "light bulb" did not go off in my head by chance and it is a learning experience.

It reminded me of another example shared by our Pastor one church service that outlined our relationship with God as Father/child.  All parents out there know those times when your son or daughter want to help you with something so they can feel so big and like they accomplished something.  For instance, if you are carrying a heavy box and they want to "help" you carry it.  You let them hold onto one corner knowing that you are carrying 99.9% of the actual weight.  The child feels like they have completed a great task b/c they have helped mommy or daddy and they are so big.  It helps build their confidence and self-esteem.  This is what it is like when God entrusts us with part of His plan.  Does he need our help? No.  But He entrusts us with this small task so we can build our confidence and have some self-worth.

It really is about the learning process which I continue to work on every day. Maybe this little story that touched me today will resonate with you.  Who knows?  But don't be afraid to learn from your kids, they can teach you a lot :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Little Dose of Happiness ~ Special Smile Moments

A fun trip with the fam to the zoo.  It was still a little chilly out but the boys had a blast.  This was the first time Will had really interacted with the animals.

Our March for Babies walk put on by the March of Dimes every year.  We were walking for my beautiful little niece who was a preemie born at 26 weeks.  Love being able to walk WITH her every year so far since she was born :)

On a side note: you will probably never see a nice picture of my family together (no one ever wants to look and smile at the same time)..hehehe.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Date Night Movie Review ~ Oblivion

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Well, let's just cut to the chase on this one.....I was not a huge fan.  I think if you are a huge sci-fi fan or absolutely love Tom Cruise you would probably like it.  My husband liked it but he definitely has a man crush on Mr. Cruise (sorry honey but I have to speak the truth).

It just didn't seem to have much of a plot to me.  Tom Cruise is a huge actor and I think if anyone else had been in the movie it would have totally flopped.  Tom carried the movie but couldn't keep my interest even still.  It was marketed as a sci-fi thriller and I am still waiting for the thrilling part.  It was completely predictable and only slightly suspenseful.  There were 2 (count 'em 2) witty lines that made the movie ok for me.  The trailer completely gives away any suspense you might have experienced.

On a positive note:  it was very interesting visually and it was pretty awesome how they incorporate all of the "ruins" of New York after the world was theoretically abandoned.  Pretty creative on that front.

Anyway, my hubby is probably throwing things at his computer reading this but in my opinion this is a rental movie, don't waste your money in the theatre.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Attacking the Clutter...the Boys' closet and clothes

So, one of the ways that I am trying to move towards a simpler life is getting rid of all of the clutter in my life.  There are lots of things that can be considered clutter (physical stuff, negative people, an overwhelming schedule, life stress, etc.).  And I will probably focus on all of these at some point in different posts.  But I have decided to attack all of this clutter one step at a time.  So the first area of attack for me has been the excess amount of STUFF we own and get it down to a manageable size.  I am trying to keep what we truly need AND use and then sell, donate, or throw out the rest.  I am kind of going room by room in my house to accomplish this.

One of the first STUFF purges I am doing is in the closets going through the massive amounts of clothes we have.  This is the typical picture I see when I go into my boys' room to get the laundry.  An overflowing hamper full of clothes.

It may not look like much in that cute little puppy dog but it amounts to about 3 loads worth of laundry (and that isn't even all of their clothes - see where I am going here).  Now, you might be thinking.....why do 2 tiny little boys need so many clothes?  I don't know!!!  And it gets really overwhelming to do so much laundry b/c of course I wait until the hamper is full to do it b/c I don't have alot of free time as it is.  This is precious time I want to actually spend doing fun stuff with my family.  I know little boys get dirty alot but this is overkill....

So I decided as part of my clutter attack I was going to drastically reduce the amounts of clothes that each of my boys has for any given season (spring/summer or fall/winter).  So I first washed everything that was dirty so I could get a good look at the total number of clothes (it was pretty frightening). 

On a side note:  I have started to make my own laundry detergent to save boat loads of money and it is awesome.  I got the recipe from here.

I decided to limit it to enough clothes to get through 2 weeks (theoretically) before they would be going to school naked :) I also kept 2 "nice" outfits for each that was not to play in. I attempted to not have multiple of the same thing (except jeans).  For instance, if I had 2 pairs of solid black sweatpants then I picked my favorite one.  Then I sold a few pairs of clothes, gave most of them to my sister who is also going to have a little baby boy soon, threw a few things away, and saved a few "special" or memorable items to make some shadow boxes out of (more to come on that later).

So now the closet is simple.  It fits all of the boy's clothes.  I have a tub for the opposite seasons clothes and a tub for clothes that are too small.  I don't feel so overwhelmed and it makes picking out clothes for them to wear super simple due to less choices.

Boys's closet clutter - ATTACKED!

Do you have any ideas for attacking clutter and organizing clothing or closets?  I would love more ideas as I go through our house!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Purposeful Living ~ Some time management goals

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Anyone who knows me knows that I am a compulsive list maker.  I love to make lists but don't always complete the lists.  I'll do really good with a few things and then stop.  Eventually I will make a new list, but when you have unfinished "to do" items it makes you feel a little like a failure.

On a side note:  I also make lists b/c after having 2 kids I seem to have lost my mind and can't actually remember to do anything anymore...

But back to my story:  I thought having some goals written down would be like making a mock "to do" list but with less pressure.  If you don't achieve your goal every once in a while it's ok because it is not something you HAVE to do, it is something you STRIVE to do (which actually helps me want to achieve them).

So here are a few goals I am going to write here and also post at home to remind me every day (and maybe I will add and take away as time goes on).

Kelly's Goals

1.  Workout at least 30 minutes a day ~ 6 days a week

2.  When I am at home with my family really focus attention on my husband and kids instead of TV or the internet

3.  Give myself at least one hour of "me time" per day when I can do whatever I want (maybe before bed)

4.  Plan at least one hour of God time ~ singing, reading, whatever

5.  Try and work 8 hours of OT per week without sacrificing family time (early morning) to help with the finances and budget

6.  Get at least 7 hours of sleep every night

I always need help with time management and the TV seems to just suck all of my time so I am hoping these time goals will help.  As I was typing I thought "I may not have time for anything else" but actually all of the important stuff is covered - family, myself, God, finances, and health - so I guess if I don't have time for the TV then so be it.

My Metabolism Miracle Journey ~ Q & A

I have received so many encouraging comments and e-mails about my first post on The Metabolism Miracle. Thank you to everyone for your kind words and support!  I got a lot of questions from people and realized that I did not do a great job of really describing my journey (I was so excited to put the info out there I neglected the details).  So in this post I am going to answer a few of the questions I have had (it may have to overflow over to a 2nd post).

I also just want to be clear that I don't believe I could have been as successful as I have been without the help of Diane Kress and all of the other people on  It is a community of people following the Metabolism Miracle or the Diabetes Miracle along with the daily (hourly) support and answers from the author/nutritionist herself.  So if you are not already a part of Miracle-ville then please join us for support, recipes, tips, tweaks to the program, and most importantly answers to your questions directly from Diane (yes Diane herself).

On a side note: the picture is from my son's 1st birthday when he just destroyed his cake.  This is something I would have done pre-MM so I thought it was appropriate (and he looks super guilty which is how I always felt).

Anyway......on to the questions:

What made you decide to try the Metabolism Miracle?
Actually, when MM came my way (from my momma) I was fed up with trying to eat healthy and different diet plans.  I had sworn off trying anything else because nothing was working for me.  I exercised quite a bit.  I could tell you how many calories were in almost anything and was following a strict calorie input/output.  But with everything I was doing I was GAINING weight and at a fast rate.  I could eat the same thing as my thin friends but I would just continue to get bigger.  Everyone assumes that when you are overweight that you are lazy and closet eating when no one is looking.  I knew I wasn't doing that, but I thought "I might as well be because it obviously doesn't matter anyway".  I didn't even want to read the MM book when mom told me about it but I decided to give it one last shot.  I would just read it and when it just said the same thing as every other diet I could give it back.  But amazingly after reading the first chapter (or so) I was hooked.  I am a scientist and this book was actually explaining the science behind what was happening in my body.  I finally felt like I had a little bit of hope and started the program a few weeks later after my 5th wedding anniversary cruise.

How long did you stay on step 1?
I ended up staying on step 1 for 12 weeks total.  I did the first round of 8 weeks and then I was scheduled to have surgery a week later.  Based on advice from Miracle-Ville and Diane Kress herself, I thought it was best to stay on step 1 during my surgery recovery as pain can cause your body to release stored up carbohydrate (glycogen) to "heal" itself.  Staying in step 1 when the liver is depleted of most glycogen would be better than being in step 2 when the glycogen stores are filled back up and can dump at will during stress and pain.

How much weight did you lose on step 1?
First, just let me say that it is a great feeling to know what my expected fat/weight loss is for every 8 week time period.  If you are not aware ,there is a chart in the book that gives you your expected weight loss range based on your gender, height, and starting weight at the beginning of the 8 weeks.  I call this the "results ARE typical" part of the program - you know how every TV commercial for a diet program showing before and after pictures has in little tiny print "results not typical" (gotta love that).  I have always lost within the expected range (and the range does get smaller as you lose the weight which is only logical).

So with that said, when I began the program on step 1 my expected weight loss was 14-21 lbs.  Also of note, I was right on the edge between this weight loss range and the next one up (my weight was on the very high end).  I ended up losing 23 lbs and corresponding inches (inches lost should equal pounds lost to know you are losing fat).  I attribute this "little bit extra" to the fact I was right on the edge of the range and also b/c I weighed at different times of the day between the 2 weigh-ins (I try and keep that consistent now).

Also, there were plenty of times during the 8 weeks that I didn't feel like I had lost anything even though I physically felt better.  And then all of a sudden I would wake up one morning and feel like I had dropped some weight.  So just because you don't feel like you have lost weight don't be discouraged until the 8 weeks is up for weighing in.

The remaining 4 weeks I stayed on step 1, I lost and additional 13 pounds.  But, you have to realize during this time I was not able to exercise as much with the surgery recovery so I could have been losing muscle.  I just weighed to get a starting point for my first 8 weeks of step 2.  Beginning step 2, I dropped down to the next weight loss range of 6-13 lbs expected weight loss.

Did your weight loss slow down on step 2?
Well simply put, yes, HOWEVER - IT WAS SUPPOSED TO!!  I weighed less to begin with so I was in the new range of 6-13 lb weight loss in 8 weeks.  At the end of 8 weeks I had lost 11 pounds - exactly where I was supposed to be.  Since then I have lost 7 more pounds but this was after deciding to take a few weeks "off plan" or really in maintenance (step 3) while some crazy life was going on.  Then I re-started for 10 days in step 1 and got back on to step 2.  I just want to say that I love step 2!!  I am currently in another step 2 phase.

What kind of exercise do you do and how often?
Most days I do the minimum of 30 minutes b/c trying to fit in exercise with work and raising 2 little boys is not too easy and there is always mom guilt.  A lot of times this is walking during my lunch break at work.  Winter was rough for me b/c I like being able to walk outside but luckily my work has a free gym in the building.  I also really enjoy doing workout videos at home after the kids go to bed.  I have lots of different videos.  I was a dancer for most of my life so I like the dance videos like core rhythms or hip hop routines.  I also like the Leslie Sansone walking videos, weight training from the biggest loser, and strength yoga.  I just try to keep it interesting and the time flies by.  I am also training to run 5Ks b/c it keeps me moving towards a goal (most of it is interval training of walking and jogging).  I am very inspired by my husband who is training to be an iron man but I do not have the time to commit to that level and have had lots of success with what I am doing.  You really only need to do the 30 minutes....I promise it works!

Any food suggestions? / What foods do you eat to keep from getting bored?
Well, I am hoping to answer this question with this blog by documenting my journey and different recipes along the way.  I love making veggie juices and smoothies which can always be different based on what neutral veggies are in season (adding some lemon always makes these taste so good and I can be sure to get in my veggies).  I could not live without my nut butters.  I can eat them by the spoonful and keep it interesting by trying different nuts.  I like to take sandwiches and wrap them in iceberg or bib lettuce as a neutral "holder".  I can have lots of variety this way.  I also like switching things up to get creative.  I have a recipe I will post soon that is a philly cheesesteak but you put it in a green pepper....amazing!  I also love cauliflower "rice" and mashed cauliflower.  I make pizzas using low carb tortillas as the crust and cannot tell the difference.  I make different kinds of soups that are veggie based usually and freeze them for easy meals for me (my husband is not a big fan of soup).  Step 1 is obviously going to be more restrictive which is why step 2 is my fave :)  The key for me is to take things I love and figure out a way to make them fit MM and stay tasty.  I never mind a piece of DOVE dark chocolate with nut butter on it as a "counter" treat.....yummy :)

Did you have carb cravings on step 2?
No.  My carb cravings went away after the first week on step 1 and they have never come back while being on MM.  A few days of being off plan were the only times they have reared their ugly head.  The disappearance of these cravings is my #1 reason why I believe in MM.

On a side note about cravings:  I think it is really important to recognize the difference between a true craving and a habit pattern you have created for yourself.  A craving for me was when I would obsess over chocolate chip cookies until I drove to the store at 2 am to get the ingredients to make some.  These extreme and less extreme cravings completely went away.  It surprised me and I think it REALLY surprised my husband. But every once in a while I would still "want" a treat - not b/c I was craving it but because I was used to having that particular treat at a specific time or place (like every time I drove to a specific part of the city I would go to a specific ice cream shop - so when I visited there I would think about going to get that ice cream but then realized I didn't really want it, it was just something I always did).  So you do have to break your habit patterns as well.

Any words of advice or wisdom for people starting the program?
Well, I always have lots to say (just ask my husband) but I will focus on 3 things.  And I am no expert, just someone who loves the program...

1.  Get rid of your guilt.  You have the knowledge now, so use it.  If you slip-up then just get right back on plan.  There is slip-up correction built into the plan.  Just make a decision, if the slip-up is worth the consequences then do it and move forward.  Everything I do is a choice and I am happy knowing I am in control and not my body.  And don't feel guilty about eating fats!  You really have to re-program your brain on that one b/c the food industry has brainwashed us to think that fat is bad.

2.  Find out what works for you and do that.  Everyone is different.  You may hate my recipes and my exercise and that doesn't offend me.  Just try things out, find something that works for you and stick with it.  One decision I have made is allowing myself to eat the higher fat versions of some foods like cheese and salad dressings.  I do not like the low fat versions.  I just know that it may slow my fat loss b/c I have to burn the fat in my food first.  I am ok with that and I actually end up eating less than I probably would of the low-fat versions.  Some people may not be able to do that.....totally up to you.

3.  Focus on what you can ADD to your eating instead of what you are taking away.  I try to incorporate more veggies into my meals instead of focusing on the items I am not eating.  I heard this quote and I love it - don't tell yourself "I want it but I can't have it", instead say "I can have it but I DON'T WANT IT".  I like this b/c no one is forcing me to eat this way but I don't want to eat any other way for my body b/c I feel so great :)


I am happy to answer any questions about my personal journey.  If you have any more questions please just e-mail me (link at the top right of page) or add them to the comments below and I will answer them (either in comment or in another post if I get enough).  To post a comment just click on the link that says "no comments" or "4 comments" and then type away in the box.  I review all posts so it may not show up right away.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Merging a Family of Eating Styles

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We started out being a family where I was the only one making eating changes.  Everyone was supportive of me but I did not want to make them change the way they were eating just because I needed to.  So I started to blend the way I was eating while still cooking for everyone else (or my husband cooking....which always tastes better....thanks sweetie).  I wasn't cooking something completely different just eliminating buns or pastas for myself.

So flash forward to family has 3 different eating styles.  Metabolism Miracle (me), Paleo/Primal (the hubby), and anything kid friendly and nutritious for 2 growing boys.

So my husband has started to eat Paleo/Primal.  It is great b/c the paleo way of eating is not a very far cry from the way I have to eat.  You cannot have any grains but you can have as much fruit as you want.  Dairy and natural sugars (honey, maple syrup) are limited up to your personal preference. I really like to think of it as eating real whole foods.  I was so excited to see my husband make this change for his health even though he is super fit and definitely not a "met B".  Now the 2 of us can eat very similarly I just need to pay close attention to the amount of fruit or honey in a dish.  He does get the occasional "oh you are eating like a caveman" comments, but I will take a super healthy husband any day (I actually kinda like him and want him to be around for a good long time by my side).

So as you might notice if you follow my recipes, I do my best to merge our eating "requirements" when finding and making foods.  And as far as the kids go, I believe they are eating as healthy as possible by sharing with us.  They are not being limited in any way but only benefiting from learning a healthy way to live while they are young.  Maybe they will help to change this crazy world of processed foods and health problems instead of making all of the mistakes we made.  Also, if they really want something not on one of mommy or daddy's plans then we let them have it in moderation and at this point we do not alter what they eat at school/daycare.  They are kids after all.  (but they actually really love my homemade nut butters, kale chips, and secretly-full-of-nutrients veggie juices or smoothies...hehe.....tricky tricky).

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Homemade Toasted Pecan Butter

So, I have been completely obsessed lately with making homemade nut butters.  All natural nut butters can be so expensive in the stores and I just recently learned how easy it is to make your own.  It is cheaper, you are confident in the ingredients, and I think it tastes so much better!!!

So a few weeks ago I experimented with almond butter.  I ate it plain, put it on everything, and baked with it.  Then I saw the pecans in the fridge.  I thought, pecans have such a unique flavor that is by far my favorite nut......I wonder if I can make some pecan butter??

The answer.....yes.....yes I can!


The pecans actually formed into a butter much easier than any other nut I have tried.  It only took about 2 minutes to become really creamy.  It seemed a little thin at first but after putting in the fridge it got thicker.  This would also be really good if you added a little bit of honey to it.  Add salt to taste.  Enjoy!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Little Dose of Happiness ~ Special Smile Moments This Week

Every week or so I want to try and reflect back and find the little moments that make life worth living.  I think it is good to focus on the positive when life can seem so busy and crazy.
So here are some of my highlights:
The boys playing outside with some rocks they were making into "turtles" and other fun make-believe things.....oh to be a kid again!

The first signs of spring in our back yard.....our trees are flowering.  They may be a little confused right now with the weather changes though.  A few flowers fell onto the deck and I thought they were pretty.

The hubby and I in our race last weekend ~ Rock the Parkway ~ Chris did the half marathon and I did the 5K (it was freezing so I have on 3 layers and a pocket holding the hat and gloves I was wearing - pretty sexy race attire I know) 
Will eating some kale chips and just loving them.....shocker for a kiddo, I know!
One of my college students having fun getting into the bloodstain pattern analysis class this week.  Sorry about the picture in the is just a staged crime scene.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Date Night Movie Review ~ 42 (The Jackie Robinson story)

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So almost every Wednesday for the past 7 years my husband and I have a date night.  We started this tradition even before we were married and my mom makes it possible for us to continue it even with the 2 boys.  It is very rare that we miss and we usually try to make it up if we do.  It is the best piece of advice I can give any couple.  It is a priority we make for each other and it keeps us sane when the world of screaming and poopy diapers is constantly around us.
We originally picked Wednesdays because we could get free popcorn at the movie theatre.  But now that policy has changed but our tradition has not.  95% of the time we still see a movie.  The hubster and I love movies.  One week he plans the night and the next week I do.
I thought it would be kind of fun to start doing a little "date night movie review" blog series.  I am by no means a movie critic, but hey I'll try anything once :)
This week we saw "42".  It was kind of cool because Harrison Ford and the whole cast was just in Kansas City for the movie's premiere.  Heck we may have been sitting in the same seats as those guys and gals.

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I really enjoyed this move.  A huge sports buff (like my dad) would have just loved it.  It's crazy how influential Jackie Robinson was to the game of baseball and the world at the time.  I don't know much about sports but even I know who Jackie Robinson is.  It makes me sick to my stomach to see how he and every other African American was treated in that time period for something as trivial as the color of their skin (essentially - the way they looked).

Harrison Ford was amazing in the role of Mr. Ricky.  I think it is one of my most favorite characters he has played.  He was witty and compassionate at the same time. 

See, I am not that good as a critic, but hey it is fun!  I recommend this movie especially if you are someone who loves a great sports story.

Yummy Banana Chocolate Chip Spice Muffins (possibly paleo ~ definitely gluten free and low carb)

So what you will soon learn about me is that I am not very creative in the kitchen.  I can follow a recipe like nobodies business (hello....I am a scientist) but when it comes to just winging fail on my part.  In other words if you ever see a recipe on my blog I will probably have a link to the original author's post just like this one I am about to tell you about.

Side note:  I am not really sure on the etiquette of referencing another blog so I am hoping putting the link to give credit is the way to go.

Anywhoooooo.....I will talk in much more detail in other posts about our families eating habits but this recipe was one I came across when looking for a paleo breakfast item.  A couple of the ways I am trying to live a simpler life are incorporated here such as eating simple whole foods and eating on a budget by buying on sale and freezing meals/snacks.

So you can find the recipe on the link I posted above, the only modification is at the last minute I decided to add some mini dark chocolate chips (gluten free) to half of the batter for the kiddos (and maybe me).  This is the part that may or may not be paleo - up to your personal paleo eating style.

all of the ingredients ~ homemade almond butter in the Ball jar on the left and that cute little flower jar on the right was made by my soon to be sister-in-law and is homemade vanilla just using vanilla bean and vodka (genius)

I used my Ninja for this ~ if you are not familiar with it think of a cross between a blender and a food processor ~ we love it in my house

combine all of the wet ingredients - eggs, bananas, almond butter, cocnut oil, vanilla and blend until completely mixed

combine all of the dry ingredients ~ coconut flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, salt ~ add to wet ingredients and bland until smooth

should look something like this

this is me deciding last minute to spruce it up with some chocolate chips ~ I didn't measure this out just kinda threw them in there ~ it is not very many chips per muffin

I love using my ice cream scoop to equally measure out muffins into the pan so theoretically they bake the same

I filled mine almost 3/4 full and got 12 muffins out of the whole batter ( I think you were supposed to get 24 ~ oops)

About 15 minutes later on 350 and finished!!

These were seriously yummy and super moist (which is not very characteristic of gluten free baking so I was super excited).  Most of the sugar/carbs come from the bananas so I feel pretty good about it.  The net carb count without the chocolate chips is around 11 g per muffin if you make 12.  Adding the chocolate chips is probably another carb or 2 (like I said ~ I didn't measure them out like a good scientist).

If anyone out there ever reads this and tries them, let me know what you think or any alterations you think would be good!!  I am going to try and put a few of these in the freezer to save for later before all of my boys get their hands on them :)

The Metabolism Miracle Review ~ My personal success story

Hi, my name is Kelly and I have Met B... what you ask?  Read along and I will explain.

I have so many different blog ideas that I want to get out but when I was thinking of which ones I wanted to be the first this topic was by far the winner.  It only makes sense to start off talking about the Metabolism Miracle because it truly was the starting point of me taking control of my life and walking the road to simplicity and happiness.

The Metabolism Miracle is a book that my mom introduced me to written by nutrition expert and certified diabetes educator, Diane Kress.

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My mom has type 2 diabetes and was looking into the program but as she was reading she thought that more and more of the symptoms applied to me even though I did not have diabetes (yet...but I was going down that path).
I have been following this plan (or as I like to call it...the way I will be eating for the rest of my life) since Sep last year.  I have never felt better and will never go back.  Diane Kress very simply and directly explains why some people are prone to "Metabolism B" which leads to metabolic syndrome, diabetes and a host of other problems.  It is a plan based on scientifically looking at the number of carbs you eat and the timing you eat those carbs to keep your blood sugar stable instead of your body working against you and becoming even more insulin resistant.  It is a very simple program and the only one that has worked for me in a long time.
I am in no way being paid or anything to say this.  I truly believe in this program and have so much respect for Diane Kress for writing it and caring so much about people to run a site called Miracle-Ville where she answers questions directly from people, posts recipes, creates videos and much more! The Metabolism Miracle has given me my life back which is priceless.
this is me one week before I started the program on my 5th wedding anniversary
2 more pics of me right before I started

54 lbs later

 I have lost 54 lbs so far and probably have another 30 or 40 to go.  I am so happy and without this program I would still be on a downward spiral thinking I am eating healthy but continuing to gain weight.

If anyone is actually reading (maybe you stumbled upon this post searching for info on the Metabolism Miracle), I would be happy to answer any questions that I feel confident in the answers if you want to e-mail or comment below.  Otherwise I suggest you join Miracle-Ville so Diane Kress can answer your questions direct from the source.

I am currently living in step 2 to get the rest of this weight off, but I have ventured through all steps of the program at some point in the last 7 months and I am happy to help because I know if this worked for me it will work for anyone!!

I will probably try to do additional blogs on things that work for me with this program.  Also, if I post any recipes I will do my best to include my own calculated net MM carbs so you can figure out if it fits on your step of the program.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Don't you just LOVE genetics?? ~ I know I do!

I'm sure everyone out there (besides me) is thinking......what a dork, what does that title even mean?  Well, I thought this was a great way to introduce myself just incase someone ever decides to read my blog and goes back to the very first few posts to find out who the heck I am.

So here it is...

the fam 2012
 This is my family (well at least our family pic Christmas 2012).  Now maybe you are starting to see where this post is going.  I have 2 crazy little boys and yes they are full siblings.  In some families all of the kids look alike, well that is not the case in mine.  My husband has a little mini-me (our oldest - currently 3 1/2 years old) and I have a little mini-me (the little guy - currently 17 months old).
Tyce and Will

I just think that DNA and genetics are so fascinating that my husband and I made these 2 completely different (yet super cute) little boys.  People may never believe they are brothers, but their love for each other cannot be denied :)

I also think that the fact that I have 2 boys on opposite ends of the genetic spectrum is very fitting for me b/c my main job is working in a DNA lab where I identify people through their different DNA profiles on a daily basis.

On a side note:  one of the perks to working in a DNA lab is being able to test your family's samples as training (and yes they are both switch-er-oos in the hospital).

So just a little intro to me b/c I am sure I will be talking a lot more about my family and possibly my job(s) as time goes on with my babbling about.
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